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Oct 25 / thomas.krafft

Texas vs The United Nations

Interesting story here about the Republican Attorney General of Texas, who has threatened to arrest representatives of the United Nations who will monitor American elections in key areas, to ensure there is no interference with the voting process. read more…

Oct 24 / thomas.krafft

Dear DNC…

Why is the President in a 50-50 fight with a Republican who has no clear positions, views that have been soundly proven wrong by history, and who is from a party who drove the world into total fiscal chaos just a few short years ago? Because Democrats are terrible at two things: (1.) Telling people, simply, why something is important to our future… and (2.) showing citizens that you understand CURRENT conditions. read more…

Oct 19 / thomas.krafft

Boy Scouts of America

For those seeking to attain some greater religious and spiritual enlightenment, your thoughts on the two Boy Scout related events that both occurred yesterday should confirm for you whether you’re on the right track or not. One of the stories very clearly describes an abomination of biblical proportions, an act of evil and sin committed against God and all of humanity. The other story is about a Boy Scout who should be given his Eagle Scout award. read more…

Sep 21 / thomas.krafft

It’s still a shit sandwich…

In spite of my general belief in fiscal conservatism and the need to reign in wasteful spending (without just cutting budgets for important programs that We want), I think the way in which today’s GOP leadership is going about this seems all wrong. For anyone who pays attention and carefully examines all arguments, the GOP has clearly made a choice to take advantage of people’s general ignorance and play on their fears and emotions, rather than come up with the best solutions to problems, and then explaining why they’re the best solutions to the nation.

The latter path is the best one, but admittedly much more difficult, and not always the most popular course of action… The former is a choice for fools and dishonorable men.

I wrote something once that is relevant here: No victory of ignorance, nor one that disregards the lessons of history, could ever produce noble or lasting good.

Add to that, all these other seriously fringe positions from the extreme edge of the party (such as banning all abortions in all situations – or, in other words, being forced to watch my wife die, if we decide to have a baby and something goes wrong during her pregnancy). The leadership of today’s GOP leaves me thinking of that old saying about shit sandwiches: It doesn’t matter how much lettuce, condiments  and other nice things you put in it, it’s still a shit sandwich.
Sep 11 / thomas.krafft

To New York, With Love…

It was almost twelve years ago that I first visited New York. I saw the Twin Towers on my trip, along with so many other things that make New York what it is. There was no way of knowing the one and only time I would see the Towers, would be the last. By the next year, they were gone. read more…

Sep 6 / thomas.krafft

We should ban life jackets and other floatation devices

Point well-made.

We should ban life jackets and other floatation devices

Aug 18 / thomas.krafft

Paul Ryan…. Seriously?

Paul Ryan opposes abortion in all cases, even if the mother’s life is at risk.

So, if my wife and I try having a baby, and something goes wrong, this politician says she should die, that her two children should lose their mother, her family lose their daughter and sister, and that I should lose my wife… Paul Ryan says I should be forced  to stand there and watch her die. Well, I’ve got news for Ryan and all his Tea Bag friends too: You’re done.

Wasn’t this the same party that, just a few years ago, talked about being “compassionate conservatives”? I guess that was just another empty campaign slogan meant to evoke a positive emotional response, instead of just telling people their true intent and risk losing an election.

It would have sounded crazy just a few years ago to say the Republican party would nominate someone as their candidate for Vice President, who says that women should just have babies or die trying. Just a few years ago, beliefs like this were considered crazy religious extremism. But today, the GOP considers this reasonable? They’re done.

Ryan, you and your kind are certifiably insane at best. At worst, you’ve chosen to betray common sense, decency and any allegiance to the very democratic and societal values that have helped America to grow and survive for more than 200 years. You have no business representing any main-stream political party. You have effectively destroyed the GOP that once stood for fiscal conservatism – the party that acted as a limiting force against unnecessary spending. Now, you want rich people to pay nothing in taxes, poor people to be indentured servants, you want to eliminate all social programs, and you want the government to literally force me to watch my wife die if any complication arises during our pregnancy.

I’ll make this very simple: If Ryan or anyone ever does anything like they’ve proposed, which puts the lives of my wife and family in jeopardy, they’d better get their karate ready – because I’ll be coming after them. Yup, I did just say that – and I sincerely hope more people do too.

We’ve tried to be civil and courteous with these crazy people, and they only grow more emboldened and arrogant. The time for civility is over now. I’ve waited 4 years for the GOP to just come up with a valid plan for anything – but instead, they’ve done nothing – other than pursue one and only one goal: gaining power and control. And for what purpose? I really hope the Democrat politicians don’t just sit around passively waiting to find out (again).

Jul 19 / thomas.krafft

Dear Republican friends: Your party has deceived you, again

Dear Republican friends: In a recent speech, President Obama said this sentence: “If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that.

Romney and several of his influential supporters have been on the media circuit all week saying how offended they are about this, how Obama doesn’t understand how American business works, and how he’s destroying America… They’re running expensive TV ads and have their entire network of paid and/or stupid blogosphere followers buzzing over that sentence. Today, the Romney camp even unveiled t-shirts all about the above quote.

Right there on Mitt’s website, it says:

Stand Up For American Businesses. This week, President Obama said: ‘If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.’ Clearly, this President doesn’t understand how our economy works. Mitt Romney knows from experience that the government doesn’t create successful businesses — hard working individuals do.

The problem is, the president never told business owners they didn’t create their business.

The GOP marketing machine took this one sentence out of the middle of an entire section of Obama’s speech which, if read in its entirety, would show (1.) Obama never said what the GOP is accusing him of saying, and (2.) your political party chose to promote a complete lie to the American people in order to make their candidate look better and win an election.

It’s up to you to decide whether you want to follow politicians who repeatedly conduct themselves exactly like this, through lies and manipulation. Personally, as much as I believe in fiscal conservatisms, I absolutely will never give my vote to a candidate who goes to church on Sunday, and then promotes an absolute outright known falsehood the very same week. Nor will I ever support a political party that chooses, time after time, to take advantage of what Americans don’t know, rather than helping them to know more.

Tell your politicians to stick with the issues, and argue their merits. If Romney wins this election based on complete and provable lies, non-disclosure, and denial of even his own opinions (from his governor days), then what does that say about the Republican party, about its followers, and about America?

It’s much easier to hear someone’s words, when you’re not thinking of them as some crazy enemy of the state. President Obama was clearly talking about how business succeeds with the help of America, and also rightly reminds business owners not to forget how much they owe to their fellow Americans who supported building those roads, the internet, and public education. It is a factual and valid statement, and has absolutely no other sinister or hidden meaning.

I’ve never worked for AT&T, IBM, Ford or Google – but I absolutely made it possible for all those companies to exist today.

Here’s the text of the entire section of Obama’s speech. See for yourself. And please, think for yourself. This GOP is void of all values, ethics and truth. Everything they say about President Obama can be proven false. If you choose to believe and follow these lies, instead of the truth, then you’re doing more harm to America than good.

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. The Internet didn’t get invented on its own. Government research created the Internet so that all the companies could make money off the Internet.”


Jun 29 / thomas.krafft

To my Republican and Democrat friends…

To my Republican friends: Sorry. We now have national healthcare, like all other modern nations. And seriously, there are no Death Panels. If you believe that crap then please yes, move to Canada. They’ll tax you at about 60%, but at least you can get medical treatment when you’re actually sick.

And to my Democrat friends: This is by no means a mandate for government to fix all our problems, or for agencies to assume they can make all my decisions for me… Because what invariably happens is agencies and politicians start over-reaching: Right now, I’m not allowed to use my fireplace, plastic bags, adopt a dog (because I actually work and am not home all day), my water bottles are being threatened next (even though I absolutely refuse to drink tap water), and local agencies seem to be imposing so many small business regulations that small business is nearly impossible now. When conservatives (regular people, not politicians) say they worry about big overreaching government, that’s what they’re talking about.

And PS: Yes, I know the GOP politicians also overreach too. It’s beyond my comprehension as to why they spend so much time talking about gays, non-whites, and vaginas… but there you go. I think stupid is what happens when people just stop paying attention or taking time to really understand an issue.

Jun 28 / thomas.krafft

ObamaCare upheld by Supreme Court

John Boehner just released an announcement saying “we need to … enact common-sense, step-by-step reforms that protect Americans’ access to the care they need, from the doctor they choose, at a lower cost.”

Isn’t that what ObamaCare did? 

Alternately, if you believe the free market is the solution to everything, including for-profit healthcare, then… weren’t we already living with the results of the best that American free market-based healthcare had to offer? The answer is yes, we were… and it wasn’t good enough.
So, when someone says ObamaCare is the wrong solution, and free markets offer the right solution – just remember, we already had the free market solution. We had it for over 100 years – and it didn’t work. Older people were being priced out of care, and sick people denied coverage outright, so insurance companies could maximize profits.
Yes, common sense is absolutely what we need, people. If a company makes more profits from not paying for treatment or healthcare services, then that is not a healthcare solution. It’s a solution for insurance companies.